Montag, 20. November 2017

Sindrome Urémico Hemolítico-a campaign that impacted the community

The entherohemorrhagic E.coli syndrome is unfortunately a highly prevalent and preventable disease in Argentina. Produced by a strain of E.coli that causes severe renal failure and even death in children population below 5 years old.
Catalina Papini, Lucía Nogales and Delfina Ernst were totally engaged with this disease. At first, they found it cool to have a disease assigned with such a difficult name. They had never heard about it. They were intrigued by it, why is this happening? What can we do about it?

Unfortunately, it was coincident with real life: in San Isidro, two kids were hospitalized in Clínica La Trinidad because of an enterohemorrhagic E.coli intoxication at a school. Luckily, they overcame it and are ok. But the pediatrician in charge was coincidently Matías Sokiransky, our school doctor. He suggested our authorities to organize a meeting with parents, reinforcing the precautions in hygiene habits at our kitchens, to protect our own community.

And guess who were invitied to the talk? Yes, our students of 4A: Cata, Delfi and Lucy. They attended the meeting, showing their infographic, explaining what they found out, what they were still wondering. The parents were happy to see how students work for other students. Productive work  and mastery that goes beyond classroom walls. A moment to be proud!
Here goes the campaign:

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