Video Games And Social Media Hurt Teens’ Sleep, Study Says “People don’t make up their lost sleep.”

(Reuters Health) - Teens who play video games before bedtime go to bed later and those who use online social media take longer to fall asleep, according to a recent study.

Marijuana Not Benign: Warn Teens, Parents, AAP Says

As the legal status of marijuana evolves, pediatricians should counsel teenagers and their parents about its potential for harm, write the authors of a new clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Teenage binge drinking can affect brain function of future offspring

Repeated binge drinking during adolescence can affect brain functions in future generations, potentially putting offspring at risk for such conditions as depression, anxiety, and metabolic disorders, a study has found.

Mindfulness for teens

Discovering your inner strenght and learn to manage your stress with simple techniques

9 Insightful Quotes From Teens Who Really ‘Get It’

Adults are starting to recognize the depth and wisdom teenagers can share with the world.

Montag, 20. November 2017

And what about nutrition?

Before approaching the nutrition unit, I thought it could be a good idea to survey the students in order to find out which are the myths and facts they are familiar with, which are their actual habits and their own perception about their nutritional requirements.
We used Google forms and these were the very interesting results.


Not knowing is a very honest answer. How could you know if you get what you need if you´re not sure about what you really need? Adolescents have special nutritional requirements!


Yes, so common to see that many adolescents do not breakfast, or don´t do it in the proper amounts and composition. This is a task for the parents: care for your child´s breakfast, it is the most important meal to begin a day and be able to concentrates. Ideally high in proteins, low in carbs!

A hot topic, given that so many adults engage in extreme trendy diets. The soup diet, the no-carb diet, the paleo diet, the detox diets. But it is so simple: just avoid added sugars, fats and DO EXERCISE! Good to see that more than half of our students already know this. Perhaps greater awareness than adults?

Well, let´s talk about diabetes? Did you know how scaringly growing the child diabetes rates are?

The ONLY CORRECT ANSWER HERE would have been "avoid everything except water and natural fruit juices". Natural means natural: you make them yourselves. You don´t believe any marketing label on the tetrapacks! Read ingredients!

Wow, that was such a nice result to see. Seventy seven students surveyed, 87% of them share the meals with their families. Experts unanimously agree on this: sharing meals with family or beloved ones are the BEST protecting factor for eating disorders and nutrition disorders! Please, share you meal with your child (and put the cell phone and netflix away from the table!)

Well, there were many more questions, but in the end it was great to perceive the self-awareness of our students about their eating habits. They know they are ok, but there are many things they could do better and avoid. Like candies. Or excessive soda drinks.

Let´s hope this exercise and the information that was provided in the following lessons, makes some change for better! 

Dyslexia, so present, so challenging

Dyslexia is a learning disability which challenges students, parents and teachers. It is just part of the human diversity, its different and unique ways of learning, processing. Understanding our differences and knowing how to managing and integrating them, smoothens the way for kids that were not fully understood. Still, there are many prejudices and misconceptions about this condition that affects so many of our friends.
This campaign, created by Olivia Holze, Marina Mey Facciotti, Julieta Müller and Agustín Danguise, was intended to provide information and awareness, inclusion and understanding.

Scleroderma, autoimmune and lethal

Autoimmune diseases are not easy. Not easy to understand, not easy to treat, almost impossible to cure. Scleroderma is a progressive autoimmune disease that heavily affects the quality of life of the patients, with uncertain prognosis and multiple symptoms, difficult symptomatical treatment and a lot to know and care and understand.
This is why Renata Leone Dodero, Natalia Estrugo, Agustina Bolatti and Olivia Solessio (4E), have been struggling with bringing all this complexity together in this clear infographic to spread the information.

Ever heard about ANISAKIASIS?

Neither did the group that had this infectious disease assigned: Ivana Saggion, Carolina Kramer and Franco Barrera. 
A parasitic disease,transmitted by uncooked fish, that can cause such severe painful symptoms that you can even take them for an ulcer or a cancer. It´s only about worms.
Finding the information was a difficult task, but this group was able to produce a nice and appealing infographic.

Sindrome Urémico Hemolítico-a campaign that impacted the community

The entherohemorrhagic E.coli syndrome is unfortunately a highly prevalent and preventable disease in Argentina. Produced by a strain of E.coli that causes severe renal failure and even death in children population below 5 years old.
Catalina Papini, Lucía Nogales and Delfina Ernst were totally engaged with this disease. At first, they found it cool to have a disease assigned with such a difficult name. They had never heard about it. They were intrigued by it, why is this happening? What can we do about it?

Unfortunately, it was coincident with real life: in San Isidro, two kids were hospitalized in Clínica La Trinidad because of an enterohemorrhagic E.coli intoxication at a school. Luckily, they overcame it and are ok. But the pediatrician in charge was coincidently Matías Sokiransky, our school doctor. He suggested our authorities to organize a meeting with parents, reinforcing the precautions in hygiene habits at our kitchens, to protect our own community.

And guess who were invitied to the talk? Yes, our students of 4A: Cata, Delfi and Lucy. They attended the meeting, showing their infographic, explaining what they found out, what they were still wondering. The parents were happy to see how students work for other students. Productive work  and mastery that goes beyond classroom walls. A moment to be proud!
Here goes the campaign:

Meningitis-a pure talent campaign

Meningitis is a transmittable disease, caused by bacteria or virus. Those of us that are like 40 years old, are familiar with this term, our mothers made us the stiff-neck test everytime we had high fever and headache, scared about this deadly phantom: meningitis.

Nowadays, many vaccines are available and mandatory,but they still do not protect against all types of meningitis. This is why it is so important to raise awareness and empower people to recognize soon the typical symptoms, seeking for diagnosis.

Nicole Schwammberger, Sofía Hurwitz and Catalina Pastorino made this infographic, accompanied by a video clip, with a song composed and sung by the talented Cata. I cannot stop watching it over and over again. Don´t miss it:

Hepatitis-a disease that can kill "despacito"

Hepatitis is a viral infection that affects the liver and can cause major problems. There are 5 different kinds of virus that cause hepatitis, and there is also alcohol-induced hepatitis or other less common causes.
Mica Stieglitz, Camila Rosolen and Juan Lucas Verschoor prepared this infographic, after doing exhaustive research on other international hepatitis campaigns to get inspiration. And they went further: with great creativity and sense of opportunity, riding on the 2017 Hit "Despacito", they composed a jingle that you will never forget. The video clip was made with the help of family and friends, and the collaboration of the wonderful voice of Sofi Stieglitz.

Please, visit:

Tuberculosis, a disease unfortunately still actual

Tuberculosis is well known for its relevance in many epochal movies. Many of us remember the charmant Nicole Kidman coughing blood (hemoptysis) in Moulin Rouge.
Unfortunately, the appearence of TB-resistant mycobacteria gives this transmittable disease a new dimension.
Giuliana Müller, Francesca Burgues and Alexa Elicegui Holm prepared this infographic, using a known format for the students: prezi, and transforming it into a poster.

Pediculosis- an elegant name for an itchy infection

We all heard about lice, but few know that lice is an ectoparasitic infection called pediculosis. Yes, it is a disease, and infectious disease. And there are ways to prevent it. The most common infectious disease in our school, with abnormal high prevalence. Let´s do something about it: look at this campaign designed by Katja Guthmann, Pilar Schang and Renate Baumgarten, our students at 4A.  Please, take your time to visit their web page:

Tourette-famous by a movie

When 4D students got their cognitive disorders assigned, there was one group (Agustín Ramirez Calvo, Calvin Steel, Tommi Caffarelli and Tobías Kühlcke) who asked me if they could do a research on Tourette Syndrome. They had seen a movie and were intrigued by this difficult to understand tic-based neurological disorders. Of course, I agreed! Here is the phantastic infographic, a simple yet effective and clear campaign using piktochart, to get you informed about everything you have to know about Tourette.

What about Melanoma?

Melanoma, the worst type of skin cancer, but the easiest to detect and to prevent on time.
A great prevention campaign by Sofía Aguirre and Alex Thomsen. You can do something about it! Watch this infographic and navigate their website.

(A special mention to the artistic talent of Sofi, who painted the scary melanoma pattern on Alex´s backshoulder, and then got the transparent background effect using greenscreen method) Thanks, Heidi Musteros, for helping us out with this technique and app on the ipad! 

Lupus, an unknown and scary disease

The students at 4E worked on autoimmune diseases.

A beautiful campaign based on an image concept to raise attention and impact, designed by Valentina Arcangeli, Tobías Miranda and Selena Barreto Barrios, with the inclusion of a QR code linking to the website they designed to offer detailed information about this disease, symbolized by the butterfly.

Autism- an awareness campaign by 4D

Sol Guaita, María Rodillo, Sophia Kahn and Nicolás Block used the greenscreen technique to set up this campaign, showing how isolation determines the feeling of people with autism.

backstage of the photoshooting

Lymphoma and Leukemia Campaign

Thanks, Agustín Cabantous and Félix Cavanagh, 4C, for this great graphic campaign. Don´t forget to visit

Sonntag, 10. September 2017

HERE THEY GO! HE SexED teams of 4B!


Montag, 28. August 2017

Sexual consent: case analysis

Scenario 1:

Rose and Miguel had been going out for several months.  They had “hooked up” in the past. Rose has expressed to Miguel on several occasions that she desires to remain a virgin until marriage.  They often sleep at each others rooms, in the same bed.  On some of these occasions they kiss and hold each other.  On at least one occasion the touching went further to touching genital areas.  On this night, Rose and Miguel decided to take their relationship to the “next” level.  Rose and Miguel began to engage in oral sex.  Both parties were actively enjoying this activity.  Miguel then placed Rose on her back and proceeded to intercourse.  Rose stared blankly off and became silent

Scenario 2: 
Thomas and Brandon had been dating for a semester.  Thomas is a young student and Brandon is finishing college.  They were “hooking up” in Brandon´s room one afternoon after class.  Thomas felt like things were going to fast.  Brandon tells Thomas, “I thought you really liked me” and “I thought this could be a special time”.  Thomas really likes Brandon, but doesn’t want to move too quickly.  Brandon begins to question whether or not Thomas trusts him.  He also says things like, “we’ve been going out for a semester, and it’s time you made me happy.”  He continues to say things like, “I’ve been waiting for such a ling time, you’re lucky I’m still with you”.  He also says “come on, Thomas, it will be special.”  After some time, Thomas gives in to his requests

Scenario 3: 
Rich and Keisha are out at a bar with some mutual friends.  The two are acquaintances through these friends.  After several drinks the two are seen dancing together. As the evening progresses Rich and Keisha’s friends want to leave for another party.   Noticing that Rich and Keisha are having a good time, the friends take off to the other party. An hour later Rich asks Keisha if she wants to leave.  Rich and Keisha look around for their friends and realize they have left.  Rich offers to give Keisha a ride home.  Keisha feeling dizzy and light headed accepts the ride.  Once at Keisha’s home, Keisha invites him in for another drink.    Rich and Keisha are really hitting it off.   They have several more drinks while talking. Keisha holds Rich’s hand.    Rich leans over and begins to kiss Keisha. The couple moves from the couch to the bed where they proceed to take off their clothes.  Keisha slurs her speech and falls off the bed.  Rich helps her back on the bed and proceeds to intercourse.   Keisha is out of it, so Rich hurry’s up and finishes

Sonntag, 18. Juni 2017


Una vez que el hantavirus llega a los pulmones puede ser muy peligroso y en más de la mitad de todos los casos mueren Cuando la infección causa insuficiencia renal, los médicos pueden tratarla con ribavirina para reducir el riesgo de muerte. Cuando la infección llega a los pulmones tienen que dar oxígeno al paciente y en el peor de los casos invacción

Las causas son la inhalación o el contacto directo como una mordedura.Los síntomas son fiebre, dolor muscular, dolores de cabeza, náuseas, vómito, dolor abdominal, diarrea y dificultad al respirar.Alrededor del 40% de todos los infectados mueren.

Montag, 1. Mai 2017

Infections and defenses

Dear all

Today I invite you to view this  powerpoint presentation that I shared with you via goethemail. It summarizes more or less what we have been talking about infections, immunity and vaccines.

If you want to get more detail, you are invited to view the videos again: Kurzgesagt: the immune system and How do vaccines work?

Of course, nobody expects you to know the colour or shape of the different viruses and bacteria I show you on the slides, it is just to give you and idea about the diversity of the pathogens that cause you diseases.

To close, remember that you have hyperlinks in this text that you can click to see the powerpoint and the two videos.
Good luck and please take some minutes to read and comment the nice post from Mica and Valen about their observations. Congratulations for their engagement! Hope to see interesting posts soon from other members of the year.

Sonntag, 30. April 2017

Look Around, What do you see?

The last few weeks the clases 4E and 4C have been observing some behaviors and actions from a group of persons mostly people around the age of 15. And what´s more we counted how many times anyone in that group completes one of those actions/behaviors. These are the results!!

As we can see these actions might facilitate the spreading of germs, for instance; sharing drinks. On the other hand they might stop the spreading of germ too,  an example could be sanitizing or washing our hands.

By sneezing, coughing without covering as well as sharing drinks or foods we can easily spread, through fluids, germs.  Mumps, flu and even Chickenpox are some of the diseases that can be spread by fluids like saliva. Nevertheless there are other fluids like, for example, breastmilk, that can also spread diseases.        

Velentina Arcangeli , Micaela Brasquet          

Mittwoch, 26. April 2017

What do we know about immunity and vaccines?

In the past lessons we have been working on the topics IMMUNITY and VACCINES.

We did some Visible Thinking Routine in teamwork:
I think -what do you know about the immune system?
Now I think- after seeing two videos what do you learned and know better?
I wonder- do you still have questions?

Let´s have some feedback about this unit! 

What did you learn and how? Did you enjoy it? Did you find it interesting? Where the videos clear? Do you consider yourself an expert immunologist?

So, last part: let`s assess you knowledge on a Google Forms!

Still need to understand some things? Don´t worry! Immune system is not an easy matter. It is complicated, we know, it needs more insight.

But how important it is to understand the importance of how our body defends itself against diseases! How important is vaccination, how important is prevention. How important is it to consider people that are vulnerable, because their immune system is affected (eg: AIDS, transplanted, elderly, babies...)

Mittwoch, 15. März 2017

Are the smartphones the new generation drugs?

Please read this interesting article. What is your opinion?

Mittwoch, 8. März 2017

What will happen in our health class this year

You, the students, will be making this subject. Your interests, questions, fears, we will work on them together. My idea is that you will only be engaged if you feel yourselves part of the design.
And here is your feedback about your personal interests and inquiries on the syllabus I presented you. Thanks for getting involved!

Montag, 6. März 2017

Finding and evaluating valuable online health resources

You feel sick. You have symptoms. A rash, fever, strange feelings, feeling sad or anxious, insomnia, headache, whatever-ache. Or some symptoms that embarass you. One of the symptoms or more, or other.
You don´t want to bother your parents, they are having enough troubles.
You grab your cell phone and search. Search terms: two or three symptoms. You see the first or in the best case, the second and third results.
Or you go to social media and find people that have the same complaints.
You will find several results. The answer might be there, but most probably not, or not completely.

So, what are the key facts to take into consideration in order to be a smart web surfer, acquire digital literacy, information literacy?


  • It might be trying to sell something
  • It might be outdated, old information
  • It is based on spectacular studies with promising results..... performed on animals
  • It is based on data collected from.... 45 patients
  • It might be (not unexcepcted in our country) that the information is biased in order to disregard the achievements of the previous government

So, how do we get access to the right information?

Never stopping to ask ourselves:

  • Who runs the website? Are they trustable?
  • Which is the intention? to inform the population, promotion and prevention? Or publicity?
  • What does it say? Does it seem to be too good to be true?
  • When has the information been published? Is it updated?
  • Where did the information come from? Scientific evidence? Clinical studies?

A good start is using pages with the extension .gov, as these are governmental sources that are not intending to sell therapies or products.

However, there are many very good and interesting sources, you can start using the links suggested on this blog.

And never EVER forget that the WWW is not the only source. It is valuable, yes. But there are experts that can give you a much better insight considering the patient as a whole.

Credits and source: NCCIH, @langwitches


Dear all,
I address you all, and not only the students of the 4th year, because the purpose of this blog is to start a new approach in health education at our school. And this ambitious project includes YOU, my student of 4C, or 4D, or 4 whatever, but also your family, other teachers, authorities, the entire school community.
But most important, think about the global audience... about the impact your research this year might have beyond the walls of this school.
In this blog, we will be posting and collaborating all together throughout this year. Sharing our projects, documenting our learning, witnessing the brandnew findings in science.
I am full of ideas for this new year with you, and highly enthusiastic.
I really hope that this virtual platform stimulates the debate and the sharing, having families involved and informed about what is happening here, in order to enrich the discussion, understand several point of views, protecting the private space of each one of you.
It is advisable to check the blog on a daily basis, as news will be posted regularly.
"Health is a state of complete physical, emotional and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease", says the WHO since 1964. Let´s redefine health together.
I wish you all a great year!
