By Bautista Perez Marti, Francine Schulzen, Laura Werner, Micaela Böge and Manuel Hansen Aguerre
Substance abuse disorders, commonly known as "addictions" (even if there can be also behavioral addicitons that have nothing to do with substances), is a mental disorder unfortunatey not recognized as an illness by most of the people. This causes stigmatization and even criminalization of the patient, when all they need is support, love and patience.
For this project we had three priority questions:
- Why do people start using substances more frequently? To forget problems? To feel happy?
- What changes in people who consume these substances?
- Who is more likely to have this disorder, is there a relation between the sex, age, social ambit or social class?
If you want to find out the answers to these questions and also very interesting results on a survey we did, visit this video:
There are three essential sorts of skin natural medicines: implanted oils, ointments, and creams or salves. Implanted oils are made by soaking spices in a transporter oil like olive or almond to extricate the restorative plant constituents that will help relieve your skin.